Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an opportunity for students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate. Students undertake nationally recognised training that contributes to their VCE/VCE VM learning program.
Why choose VET?
VET offers students the opportunity to:
- combine general and vocational studies;
- explore career options and pathways;
- undertake learning in the workplace;
- gain a nationally recognised qualification or credit towards a qualification that contributes to the VCE or VCE VM; and
- develop skills that equip students for the workforce and further study.
What VET courses can I study?
Lyndhurst Secondary College allows students to study a wide range of VET courses. Lyndhurst currently offers the following courses on site for students to study:
- Certificate II in Active Volunteering
- Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
In addition to on site VET options, students can undertake a wide range of VET courses at other sites, including other schools or at TAFE. A list of courses available can be accessed in the 2024 VETDSS Handbook produced by SELLEN available from 2024-S-E-VETDSS-Cluster-Handbook.pdf (sellen.org.au).
How do I get more information about the VET courses available to me?
Please use the handbooks or see our Careers Team members to learn more about a particular course. If you are unsure about any information provided on this site, we strongly recommend that you contact staff in the Careers Team at Lyndhurst Secondary College or an appropriate Middle Sub School or Senior Sub School team leader.
The information provided in this handbook has been published in June. At this time, arrangements for VET courses in terms of the programs offered and the days on which classes will be conducted and the charges associated with the courses are still subject to negotiation.
What days can I study my VET course on?
- Students who will be commencing Year 10 studies can access VET on Wednesdays.
- Students who will be commencing Year 11 can access VET on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Students who will be commencing Year 12 can access VET on Wednesdays and Fridays.
If you have researched a VET course not listed below, and it fits with your timetable, please enquire with the Careers Team to see if you can incorporate this into your learning program.
Some VET courses require additional enrolment requirements such as compulsory attendance at an information session. Unless stated otherwise, VETiS courses are two years in duration.
How much does it cost to study a VET course?
From 2022, government schools are receiving funding for material fees for VET courses. There are some courses, however, that require certain items that do not come under this funding and we are requesting payment for these. Examples of these are items that are retainable by the student or cannot be re-used such as consumables, kits and some excursions. Please refer to: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/PAL/vet-materials-fees-inclusions-exclusions.docx for this funding.
What forms do I need to fill out to study VET?
Students are to select the VET course they wish to study as part of the annual Course Counselling process.
Students wishing to undertake a VET course must also complete the school-based VET application form and return this to school as soon as possible.
Students will also need to register for a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to be able to register in their VET course.