Important Information
This course is offered internally and is delivered in the Automotive Centre at Lyndhurst SC by a registered trainer.
Delivery & Cost Details
Note: this is subject to change
This course is offered at Lyndhurst SC. Class times are:
Wednesday (8am- 12pm) and Wednesday (1pm-5pm) for first year students and Friday (8am-12pm) Important information – no VET auto class on Friday afternoons!
Please see the VET Coordinator in the Lyndhurst SC Careers Room.
Possible Career/Further Study Pathways
This course has been designed to align with increasing skills shortages in the automotive vehicle industry. It will articulate into a mechanical apprenticeship or possibly a traineeship or Diploma level qualification.
Work Placement Requirements
Students are highly encouraged to complete a number of days of work placement each year. Training provider to advise.
Special comments about delivery of the program
Students will be required to have protective clothing and purchase at their own cost.