Year 7 Transition Program

At Lyndhurst Secondary College, we believe that a successful transition program is the first step to ensuring a successful schooling journey for students. We pride ourselves on having a comprehensive transition program that is student centred and skill based to ensure that all students experience success.

The Transition Team consists of the Junior School Assistant Principal, Junior Sub School Leader, Year 7 Team Leader, Wellbeing Leader, Inclusion Leader and Student Enrolment Offer. This diverse team ensure that the college can collect as much information as possible about our future students to ensure that their needs are catered for from day one of their schooling journey. This team works closely with the students primary school and families to support a successful transition to Lyndhurst Secondary College.

Lyndhurst Orientation Days

Before your young person commences at Lyndhurst Secondary College, they will partake in up to four orientation days depending on their needs. Please note that these exact dates are depended on the Department of Education and may change each year.

  • For students coming from primary schools that only have a small number attending LSC in 2025 ​
  • Chance for students to make connections with staff and other students before the larger Orientation Days​
  • For students with additional needs and requirements for learning​
  • Chance for students to make connections with staff and other students before the larger Orientation Days ​
  • All Victorian secondary schools host an Orientation Day​
  • No other Lyndhurst Secondary College students on site this day ​
  • Lyndhurst Secondary College to run an additional Orientation Day 
  • PAT testing will be completed to assist with creation of homegroups and to gauge students academic levels 

*Please note that days one and two are invitation only and based on primary school and/or parent/carer advice.

Student Feedback from our 2024 Orientation Days

Year 7 Start Up Program – Prepare to Launch

At the beginning of the year, Year 7 students participate in a ‘prepare to launch’ program, focused on exposing students to the key skills and learning dispositions to ensure them a successful start to their school journey. This program allows them to begin their regular schooling with strengthening relationships with their peers, teachers and an understanding of ‘Life at Lyndhurst’

Please see a sample of the prepare to launch program below:

Day 1: Pre-flight briefing

Day 2: All systems are-go

Day 3: We have liftoff!

Home Group

Welcome Assembly

Home Group

Home Group

Period 1

Welcome Assembly

Welcome to Launch

Collaboration Session

Period 2

Lockers and diaries

The resilience project

Wellbeing Session

Period 3

Lyndhurst Values

Learning to learn: ICT

Team building

Period 4

Scavenger hunt

Team building

Goal Setting

Period 5

ICT Session

House Pride Session

Critical and creative thinking

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