
Attendance is important to ensure our students are at school and maximising their learning.

At Lyndhurst Secondary College we know that attendance is important for students to help them to achieve successful outcomes. To support our students and families in achieving this we have a variety of supports to help our families and students. Some of these are:

  • Sending fortnightly absence letters home which inform our families of their child’s absence
  • Having a dedicated attendance officer at the college
  • Have daily homegroup to assist with connection and engagement
  • Having a variety of individual strategies to support individual students with improving their attendance
  • Compass attendance for students and parents/carers to monitor attendance

Text messages twice per day to notify parents/carers if a student is absent at any point during the day

Senior School Attendance & Redemption

At Senior School we have an expectation of 90% attendance. This aligns with the VCAA policy for attendance and our college expectations. 

Students that fall below 90% attendance must make up their attendance through attendance redemption. This can be completed after school in the study area between 3-4:30pm Monday – Friday.

Students can also make up the time on student free days in the Study Area.

Students should report to the Senior Sub School Team to redeem their absences.

How can you support your child & the school?

Call the school to report your child absence or report the absence on Compass.

When your child brings home their absences letter, please fill in the reasons for absences, sign it and ask your child to return the letter to their Home Group Teacher.

Below you will find links to documents that outline why attendance is important and how you as a parent/carer can further support your child.

Further Information

There is no safe threshold to missing school. Everyday matters and research has shown that unauthorised absences can start small but add up quickly and have a significant impact on students not only at the time of absence but also in future years. Absences can quickly snowball if students and families establish bad habits. For further information on a variety of strategies, supports and fact sheets, please visit the links below:

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