What is the College Council?
All government schools in Victoria have a school council. The Lyndhurst College Council is a legally constituted body that is given powers to set the key directions of a school within statewide guidelines. In doing this, a school council can directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.
College Council is a group of parents, staff, students, and community representatives who undertake an overall governance function for the College. School operations are managed by the School Principal.
The College Council participates in the review of the school finances, education overview considering current and long term planning, as well as facilities management for buildings and grounds. It also undertakes to implement and approve policies, programs, structures and activities to support the school academic program.
How can you become involved?
Nominate yourself for a position on the College Council. The College will issue a Notice of Election and Call for Nominations for the council following the commencement of Term 1 each year. Alternatively, contact the Principal to find out if you can nominate for any positions that become vacant during the school year.
When does the Council meet?
College Council meetings are held eight times annually, generally on the third Tuesday of a scheduled month. Meetings commence at 7.30am and finish no later than 8.30am. Meetings are not held during school holidays.
There are four elected parent representatives, three elected staff representatives, four community members and two student representatives on Council, serving a two year term.