PACE: Preparing, Achieving, Connecting, Engaging

PACE stands for Preparing, Achieving, Connecting and Engaging; four key skills we want all our young people, no matter what their backgrounds, abilities or desired pathways, to be able to do as successful Lyndhurst learners. 

PACE is a unique program running at Lyndhurst Secondary College that caters for young people from Years 7 to 9 that builds students’ capacity in the following areas:

  • Literacy skills
  • Numeracy skills
  • Employability skills
  • Learning dispositions including collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, citizenship, communication and character (based on the 6Cs by Michael Fullan)

As a key alternative pathway offered at Lyndhurst, the PACE program is overseen by our Assistant Principal focused on alternative pathways and led by our Learning Specialist of Inclusive Practices, who is also our key PACE teacher.

Students are invited to become a student of PACE based on meeting the entry criteria, including a close analysis of their learning, engagement and wellbeing data, as well as teacher recommendation and student, parent and carer consent.  All students in PACE have an Individual Education Plan, as well as termly Student Support Group (SSG) meetings to discuss their progress against goals they co-construct and work on over the term.

The aim for all PACE students is to build their skills, dispositions and learning confidence to be able to re-enter a mainstream learning program.  Enrolment in PACE is regularly reviewed using the SSG process, as well as analysis of student learning, engagement and wellbeing data.

The PACE class runs from a common location in the college which ensures consistency, predictability and ownership of the space for the PACE team. 

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