Student Voice & Leadership

Student Leadership at Lyndhurst Secondary College is focused on providing as many students as possible a chance to participate in the democratic process of representing the voice of their peers. We take great pride in guiding potential leaders through the process of developing the skills and abilities to do this effectively and celebrate with them the impact they have on the College environment.

Leadership opportunities exist at all year levels and are selected by a combination of processes, including written applications and expressions of interests, along with interview processes. Students can apply for a wide range of leadership opportunity such as:

  • School Captains
  • Student Voice Leaders
  • Multipride Leaders
  • Sport Captains
  • Art Captains
  • House Captains
  • Peer Support Leaders
  • Year Level Captains

Student leaders have many opportunities to build their capacity throughout their time with at the College and this enables them to develop the tools needed to have the greatest possible impact on their school community.

Our College Captains play a major role in modelling the expectations of all leaders and are the face of Student Voice within the College. Students in leadership roles are invited to attend leadership conferences and workshops throughout the year, represent the College within the wider community at various events, receive mentoring from staff to build their leadership capacity and run both whole school and year level events.

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