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Principal’s Message

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Dear LSC Community Members,

Term 2 is over halfway through, and it has been a very busy and exciting time.  We have seen students engage in a wide range of both classroom, co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities, as well as engage in important work for their futures.  Please find an update on key happenings below.

Facilities Upgrade Update

On Tuesday 7th May, the 2024-25 State Budget was delivered.  I am very excited to announce that Lyndhurst Secondary College was granted the full $13.6M that was promised as an election commitment within this budget.  This will see our college be able to proceed with our facilities upgrades, moving beyond the initial planning stage that was granted in last year’s budget.

We were also lucky to have the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, the Honourable Ben Carroll MP, attend the college on Thursday 9th May alongside the Member of Parliament for Narre Warren South, Mr Gary Maas.  During this visit, some of our students from Years 7 to 12 engaged in conversation about their learning at LSC before going on a tour of the college.  We visited Auto, the new Hands On Learning precinct and discussed the exciting plans for education at the college.  We finished the tour with a visit to the C Block and finally the Gym where the Minister was able to formally make the announcement we are receiving funding to our Year 7 Health and PE classes.

The initial planning funds released last year allowed us to engage with architectural firm Brand Architects to complete an updated Masterplan for the college.  This outlined the potential future staged developments for the college over the next 10-15 years.  With the allocation of the full funds in this budget, we have already met with the architects to discuss next steps and proceed with the next stage of planning which will hopefully see works commencing mid-2025 on our Gym space.

This is a very exciting time for our college and one I am looking forward to seeing come to fruition for our students.

Multicultural Week

From Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May, Lyndhurst Secondary College celebrated Multicultural Week.  This was a massive week in the college calendar, with lots of exciting things occurring, from competitions related to world flags in the Library, to the hosting of an international delegate of Principals from India as part of the Women in School Leadership program.

On Tuesday 14th May, the college celebrated with a massive Multicultural Assembly.  This included dance, musical and cultural performances by a number of our talented students, as well as a staff performance of an exciting and energetic Bollywood dance!  Students celebrated our cultural diversity by wearing bright and beautiful cultural dress for the day.

The visiting delegation were blown away by the diversity in our college community, as well as the ways in which our students celebrated each other’s unique cultures so openly.

Annual Student Attitudes to School Survey

In the four weeks ending Friday 14th June, the college will be undertaking the annual Student Attitudes to School Survey (AToSS).  This is a very important survey that we have all young people complete as it provides us with important information to guide our future work and improvement.

In 2023, our results in this survey were overwhelmingly positive, with students reporting their experiences at LSC to be higher than the average response across the state in every single measure!

As part of this work, members of the Executive Team will be visiting classes to explain the survey and its importance, unpack key terms and definitions and facilitate the survey itself.

I thank students in advance for their carefully considered responses to this important data set for our college.

Course Counselling – Important Dates and Events

Whilst it may seem like we have only really just begun the school year still, students will soon be selecting their 2025 subjects, courses and learning pathways!  As part of this process, the college puts in a range of supports to ensure students are making informed and accurate decisions about their pathways.  This includes Mentor sessions dedicated to pathways planning, publishing of 2025 Subject Handbooks online for students, parents and carers to read and sessions to explore subjects and pathways.

As such, I would like to promote two important dates occurring this term for students and parents/carers to attend.  These include:

  • Wednesday 12th June is our 2025 Subject Fair – students will attend specific periods as a year level and engage in activities to discover more about subjects and options for 2025. They will also have the chance to meet and chat with a range of further education providers including TAFE and university groups, as well as career options post-secondary schooling.
  • Wednesday 12th June is our Middle School Information Night – students, parents and carers of students in Years 8 and 9 invited to attend to learn all about Year 9 and 10 programs, options and pathways
  • Thursday 13th June is our Senior School Information Night – students, parents and carers of students in Years 10 and 11 invited to attend to learn all about Year 11 and 12 programs, options and pathways. Year 9 students and families wanting to get a head start in learning about VCE, VCE VM and VET can also attend.

We will also have special Course Counselling days in the first four weeks of Term 3 where students in Years 8 to 11 will have individual appointments to work with an experienced counsellor to help confirm their choices for 2025.  We look forward to having as many parents and carers attend with their students to be a part of these important conversations.

Ms Eloise Haynes

School News

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Senior School News

Dodgeball Match

In our recent dodgeball match, the energy was electric as Year 7 faced off against Year 12 in an epic showdown of skill and strategy. Both teams brought their A-game to the court, showcasing impressive agility and teamwork.

The match kicked-off with intense anticipation as players from both sides strategised their moves. Year 12 plans had a plan of “win” and the Year 7s strategy was “Get the biggest players out first”. Year 7 demonstrated remarkable coordination, dodging incoming throws with finesse, while Year 12 showcased their experience with powerful throws and quick reflexes.

There was a dedicated teacher assistance however the Year 12 A team was able to score two successive victories while the Year B team was tied 1 all with the Year 7 side. Already our Year 7 leaders are planning the second round match to determine once and for all who the best year level is.

VM Excursion

In our recent excursion to the State Library of Victoria, students had the unique opportunity to delve into the captivating collection of renowned Australian photographer, Rennie Ellis. The visit was not only a journey through Ellis’s lens but also a profound exploration of cultural and personal identity.

As students wandered through the library’s halls, they were immersed in Ellis’s powerful imagery, which offered a vivid snapshot of Australian life spanning different eras and landscapes. Ellis’s photographs captured the essence of our diverse cultural tapestry linking to their personal identity and sense of self.

VHAP – Victorian High Ability Program

Hidden treasures at Lyndhurst

Here are some examples of students learning new skills, applying them carefully in the tasks and then feeling very proud of their outcomes. Photos are from the auto students who created carts and from the wood room where students made money boxes.

Jo Keating

Student Voice

Yellow Arrow Leadership Course

On Thursday 18th April, we had 20 students from Lyndhurst Secondary College attend a Yellow Arrow Leadership Course at Cranbourne Secondary College.  There were a number of schools in our area that attended, which allowed our students to network with students from other schools.  Our students participated in activities ranging from public speaking to debating.

ANZAC Day Assembly

On Tuesday 23rd April we ran an ANZAC Day Assembly.  We were fortunate to have Zoe Keeffe from Oakleigh Brass and Michael Reardon from the Great War Association participate in our assembly, with Zoe playing the Last Post and Michael addressing the assembly.

Our college captains also represented the college on ANZAC Day, laying a wreath at the Cranbourne ANZAC Day service.

Multicultural Week


On Tuesday 14th May Lyndhurst Secondary College celebrated Multicultural week with a Multicultural Assembly.  We were fortunate enough to have delegates from the Indian consulate, as well as Principals visiting from India through the Women In Leadership program.  The assembly showed the great talent of our school through the many performances during the assembly.

Kgshak Akec Visit

We were privileged so have Kgshak Akec visit our school for a presentation and workshop on Thursday 16th May. Kgshak a Geelong Based author is a South-Sudanese writer, performing artist and storyteller.

During her visit, Kgshak presented about her migration story, growing up as a young South Sudanese woman in Geelong and discovering her career path as an author with her debut novel, Hopeless Kingdom.


Exciting Developments in Maths at Lyndhurst Secondary College

At Lyndhurst Secondary College, our students have been actively engaging with a variety of enriching activities within the Maths space. Here’s a look at what different year levels have been up to:

Year 7: Mastering Problem-Solving Skills

Our Year 7 students have been focusing on mastering problem-solving questions. Each lesson is designed to enhance these skills and apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations. Recently, they participated in a Maths show, where they learned about the history of Maths and applied their knowledge in practical contexts.

Years 8, 9 and 10: Hands-On Learning and Investigations

Students in Years 8 and 9 have been involved in investigative tasks and hands-on learning activities such as building the model of dog kennels, scavenger hunt etc. These engaging projects allow students to explore mathematical concepts deeply and see their practical applications.

Years 11 and 12: Applying Maths to Real Life

Our senior students are taking their Numeracy skills to the next level by solving real-life problems. Year 12 students have been busy building models of tiny houses. These projects not only solidify their understanding of mathematical principles but also demonstrate their ability to apply these skills in meaningful ways.

It is truly exciting to see our students excel as they apply their Maths knowledge to real-life situations. The enthusiasm and dedication they show in their projects highlight the practical importance of Maths in everyday life.

Spaghetti tower-building challenge

As part of developing entrepreneurial skills, Yr 10 Business Management students were given an opportunity to practise using some enterprise skills and utilising an entrepreneurial mindset through participating in a design challenge. Students were provided with materials to build the tallest tower, using the given materials. After the activity, students reflected on the enterprise skills they used in the spaghetti tower-building challenge and identified examples of how they used specific entrepreneurial skills during the challenge.

S. Samuel


Multicultural week at LSC

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Multicultural Week

At Lyndhurst we value and celebrate diversity, with many different languages, cultures and traditions. In May, we held a very successful Multicultural week for staff and students.

Students and staff were able to dress in clothing that reflected their culture, providing a colourful and exciting atmosphere.  The whole school assembly involved speeches, performances and even a Michael Jackson dance. Other events included a staff workshop about ‘Culture’ and a delicious afternoon tea, henna painting and lucky red envelope activities.  Thanks to the staff and students for their creative participation.  We will continue to celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community throughout the year.

Jo Keating
Assistant Principal
Student Empowerment, Community Engagement and I.T.

Multicultural day celebrations / Hindi Reflection

Cooking Experience

During our multicultural week celebrations, students in our class had the opportunity to learn how to make Coconut Laddu, a delicious Indian sweet. Coconut Laddu (also known as Nariyal Ladoo) is a popular Indian sweet made from grated coconut, sugar or condensed milk and dry milk powder. It’s often served during festivals and special occasions. 🥥🍬

Not only did they learn about the recipe, but they also shared their cultural dishes through creative posters and PowerPoint presentations.
Our class began by writing down the recipe for Coconut Laddu. Students collaborated, discussed ingredients, and documented the step-by-step process. It was fascinating to see how different cultures approach cooking and share their culinary knowledge.
With the recipe in hand, students got to work! They measured ingredients, mixed, and shaped the laddus. The aroma of coconut and condensed milk filled the room, creating an exciting atmosphere. Cooking together encouraged teamwork and bonding. Students helped each other, shared tips, and laughed as they rolled the laddus. It was more than just a cooking lesson; it was a chance to connect with students.

  • Year 7 Student’s Remark: One Year 7 student expressed, “I’m really enjoying our Hindi class now. First, we are not only language, but also so many things, and now we’re making Coconut Laddu! Learning about Indian culture through food is awesome.”
  • Excitement: Both Year 7 and Year 8 students were thrilled about the cooking experience. They eagerly tasted their creations, and the classroom buzzed with excitement.

The Coconut Laddu cooking session was a success. Not only did students learn a new recipe, but they also celebrated diversity by sharing their cultural dishes. As a teacher, witnessing their enthusiasm and joy was truly rewarding. 🌟 Students are showing great interest in learning the sitar.

Students learning vowels and consonants. Also practicing writing sentences.

Shally Khanna

Clubs and House News

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Club Schedule

Monday: Boardgames (C2), Weights (Weights Rm)

Tuesday: Art (B1), Textiles (B4), Soccer (Gym), Weights (Weights Rm)

Wednesday: Anime, Yoga (E1), Yoga (E-Block)

Thursday: Weights (Weights Rm)

Friday: Sport (gym), Music (music room)

Weights Room

The weights room will be open for students to use who have filled in the policy sheet. All students will also need to complete a safety induction with a member of LSC staff before using the weights room (this will be conducted onsite during school hours).

The weights room will be available in the mornings on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00am-8:30am as well as during lunchtime (1.20-2pm) on these specific days.

Students and parents/carers must sign the policy form if their student wishes to use the weights room.

Weights Room Policy Form


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Helpful Sleep Habits

  • Try some mindfulness, breathing, or relaxation exercises to calm an anxious or active mind before sleep.
  • Have a satisfying evening meal at a reasonable time. Feeling hungry or too full before bed can make it harder to get to sleep.
  • In the hours before sleeping, make sure your room is as dark as you can get it. Use dim lamps instead of bright lights.
  • Avoid caffeine and large amounts of sugar before bed.
  • Talk about worries with a trusted person during the day, especially if worries keep them awake at night.
  • Try to see sunlight or artificial light within 90 minutes of waking up, and get exposed to plenty of light during the day. This can help set and reset your body clock

What causes poor sleep?

  • Our lifestyles tend to be quite productive and active. Sometimes, those activities go into the hours that we’re meant to be sleeping so we’re not giving our brains the chance to wind down before going to sleep.
  • When we experience sleep issues, it can impact our mental health. When we have issues with our mental health and stresses throughout the day, that then impacts our sleep the following night. This can turn into an unhealthy cycle.

What if it seems like nothing is working to improve my sleep?

If you’ve tried strategies to improve your sleep a few times and can’t see a noticeable difference, it’s easy to assume that they don’t work. Remember that the stresses that are causing you to have sleep issues didn’t happen overnight and took time to build up – in the same way, fixing it also doesn’t happen overnight. It’s important to have patience and consistently try to improve your sleep hygiene and habits. Most teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Some need as little as 7 hours or as much as 11 hours.

After a couple of weeks, if you’re noticing that your sleep still isn’t improving, you could reach out to the friends and family for support, your GP, or come and see us in the Wellbeing team at school.

Important Information

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Department of Education Mobile Phone Policy

A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobiles phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away in their lockers during school hours.

The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year.

The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions.

By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at recess and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause.

I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school.


Further information

Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required.

School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available on our website.

To view all our policies, visit our website.


First Aid




General Information

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Office hours 8:00am – 4:00pm
Telephone (03) 5996 – 0144

Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or compass.


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am. Please telephone 5996 0144 on the day of the absence. A note/medical certificate on the day of return to the General Office explaining the absence is required where no parent contact has been possible. Text messages are sent to parents and carers notifying of a student absence twice daily (subject to the correct contact information being provided). If students have appointments during the school day, a note on the day of the appointment is required from a parent or carer confirming the intended date and time of absence from school.

Late arrival to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you that students are expected to be at school by 8:50am, ready and prepared for Home Group. We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call the General Office on 5996 0144. If students do arrive late, they need to come past the general office window and sign in with the attendance officer.


Beleza School Uniforms in High Street,Cranbourne and Hallam are our uniform suppliers.

All students must be in full school uniform every day. Please refer to our website for Uniform Policy and Dress Code regarding our expectations.

Lyndhurst Secondary College school day

School day – 8:50am – 3:00pm daily (excluding weekends and all public and school holidays)
The College runs a 5 period day. Please see Term Dates & Bell Times on our website for details of times.

Lost property

Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with the student’s name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.

USBs should include a folder with the student’s name and form to assist in returning it to the correct person. If you have lost anything see the general office during recess, lunch or at the end of day.

College Canteen

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College Cafe Menu

The College canteen menu is available here.

Orders can be placed online via

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