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Principal’s Message – Issue 8

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Dear LSC Community Members,

The 2024 school year has come to a close.  I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of the staff at LSC in their daily support of all of our young people.  This year, students at LSC have had many opportunities to engage with exciting learning, as well as a multitude of co-curricular activities and these are all facilitated by the teaching and Education Support staff dedicated to seeing each of our young people learn, grow and improve.

2025 Head Start for Senior School

On Monday 25th November, our 2025 Year 11 and 12 students commenced their two week Head Start classes.  A big thank you to our Assistant Principal, Ms Lauren Harvey, as well as our Daily Organiser, Ms Leanne Reynolds, for the large amount of work behind the scenes to ensure our 2025 timetable was ready to go and our Year 7 to 9 classes could continue smoothly.  A big thanks also to the Senior Sub School for their work in preparing sessions for students, starting with an assembly to ensure that all students had clear messaging about factors that are critical to their success in Years 11 and 12.  Finally, a huge thanks to the teachers for planning, preparing and delivering the Head Start classes, as well as establishing important high expectations for students to continue to meet with holiday homework and preparation work for 2025.

In our 2025 Head Start, both VCE and VCE VM students attended two full weeks, with an exciting five day program built for VCE VM and run for the first time this year.  This included students have two days of micro credentials, including First Aid, White Card, RSA, Food Handling and Financial Literacy short courses (al building up their VET hours and credits), as well as two days focused on Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) curriculum to ensure students are aware of the role of their one day of work per week, including the importance of completing SWL requirements in order to earn a VCE VM unit credit.

Class of 2030 commences

Whilst Term 4 is full of milestones for our Class of 2024, we also welcome our newest members of the LSC community, our future Year 7s.  Next year’s cohort will be our Class of 2030 and over the course of Term 4, have lots of opportunities to connect with LSC.  As a college, we invest heavily in ensuring all students have a successful transition to high school, with up to four transition/orientation days offered for students, including a day for small feeder schools, students with additional needs, our state-wide orientation day and an additional whole cohort day to support gathering important literacy and numeracy data to guide their learning programs.

Our Transition Team have been busily visiting primary schools, gathering important information and putting together plans, class lists and programs for our incoming students.  We have also been sending weekly FAQ emails to parents and carers to ensure we have constant and consistent communications established between home and school.

On Tuesday 3rd December, we held our Year 7 Information Evening. We enjoyed meeting lots of new faces, as well as lots of siblings of current students and  we officially welcomed our parents and carers into the college.

School Performance in 2024

All Government schools are measured on a range of data and outcomes each and every year.  Most recently, all schools received their 2024 School Performance report which includes a wide range of factors such as NAPLAN achievement and growth, VCE Study Scores and completion rates, data from the Attitudes to School Survey and attendance.  I am proud to say that Lyndhurst Secondary College was rated as in the “High” school performance group overall, indicating a range of student outcomes that are high across learning and wellbeing measures.  This is the collective efforts of our entire college community, including our students, parents/carers and staff.

2024 Presentation Evening

On Wednesday 18th December, we hosted our 2024 Presentation Evening at the Rivergum Performing Arts Centre.  On this night, we recognised the year of achievements across a wide range of fields by our students.  Pleasingly, our number of students being recognised at this ceremony grew, with students showcasing their strengths and talents in a range of areas.

As this is my last report for the year, I also want to take this opportunity to thank all members of the LSC community for their commitment to our college, as well as your support as we continue to strive for continuous improvement in everything we do.  I wish all our students, families and staff a safe and restful holiday break and am looking forward to a fantastic year in 2025.

Ms Eloise Haynes
College Principal

School News – Issue 8

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Homework Club 2024

Our LSC Homework Club sessions have finished up for 2024.
Once again this year, we were able to build a little community of learners on Tuesday afternoons in the Library. From 3pm – 4.30pm each week, students used their time to catch up on outstanding class work, homework and study tasks, and/or extend themselves with additional work and practical activities relevant to different subjects.
Whilst we had many consistent attendees, it was also great to see a number of students attend at various times throughout the year for more targeted assistance during periods of assessment or when more challenging topics were being covered in certain subjects.
I would like to extend a big ‘thank you’ to all staff members who attended Homework Club this year, whether it was to offer extra support to individual students, fill a staffing need, or simply because they wanted to show support for the program for one or more sessions. We had many staff members attending almost every Tuesday session throughout the year, and the students undoubtedly appreciated their attendance, commitment and engagement. Thanks also to JCY and KME for the free use of the Library space during this time.
It has been really rewarding to see so many wonderful connections developing within our little community of staff and students this year during these sessions. In 2025, Homework Club will run on both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, with more information about this to be sent out in the new year. I look forward to leading this program with MKI next year, with an aim to continue offering a safe space for our students to connect with staff and each other whilst engaging in productive practices in order to improve their outcomes.
Rebecca Little | Psychology & English Teacher


Hindi Class Reflection

This term in Hindi class, our students embarked on an enriching journey exploring the vibrant festival of Diwali. They delved into the fascinating contrasts between Indian and Australian food, weather, and cultural landmarks, including the majestic Taj Mahal and iconic Australian monuments.
Our exploration of Indian spices and their rich history was particularly engaging, culminating in hands-on cooking sessions where students learned to make delicious vegetable biryani and coconut sweets, Barfi. Additionally, students expanded their vocabulary by learning the names of vegetables, fruits, and colours, as well as verbs and constructing short sentences. The term was filled with enthusiasm, engagement, and a lot of fun, making it a memorable learning experience for everyone involved.
Shally Khanna | LOTE: Hindi

2025 School Captains

We would like to introduce our 2025 College Captains‼


We asked Jayvan, Aidan, Olivia and Michelle which year they started at LSC and what excites them about being a school captain.
I started at LSC in 2020 in Yr 7.
I’m excited to bring diversity and approach things in a new way.
I started at LSC in 2023 in Yr 10.
I am excited to build a community.
I started at LSC in 2020 in Yr 7.
I am excited to continue to work with the
school community to make a positive difference.
I also started in 2020 in Yr 7.
I am excited to bring more opportunities for students to be actively participating in our school community.

We wish you all the best in 2025 as our school captains 🎉

2025 Start Dates

We will welcome back our students from Years 7, 11 and 12 on January 30.
Then students from Years 8, 9 and 10 on January 31.
Have a fantastic and safe break!
We can’t wait to welcome you back next year for more exciting adventures!
From all the staff at Lyndhurst Secondary College.


Clubs and House News – Issue 8

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Club Schedule

Monday: Boardgames (C2), Weights (Weights Rm)

Tuesday: Art (B1), Textiles (B4), Soccer (Gym), Weights (Weights Rm)

Wednesday: Anime, Yoga (E1), Yoga (E-Block)

Thursday: Weights (Weights Rm)

Friday: Sport (gym), Music (music room)

Melbourne Youth Chorale


Casey Youth Action Committee 2025

Southern Diamonds Netball Club

Wellbeing – Issue 8

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Tips for coping with stress during the holiday season

The end of the year can come with all sorts of pressures, expectations and stress. Our social calendars may be busier than ever, and we feel like we have 500 things to finish up before the school year ends. Here’s 5 tips to get through this busy season and look after your mental health;

  • Write a list of the things you need to get done and prioritise them so you know what’s most important.
  • Know what annoys you – if certain people get on your nerves, try to identify the things that can affect you and think of ways you can respond differently than you normally would.
  • Offer to help out, whether it’s friends or family, or even a complete stranger. Helping others isn’t only a caring act; it will also make you feel good.
  • Just say ‘no’. If it’s all getting to be too much and you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to take time out or let people know what you are feeling.
  • Think about your own self care strategies and what is going to make you feel relaxed or refreshed – reading, sport, gaming, baking, whatever works for you!


Important Information – Issue 8

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Department of Education Mobile Phone Policy

A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobiles phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away in their lockers during school hours.

The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year.

The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions.

By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at recess and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause.

I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school.


Further information

Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required.

School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available on our website.

To view all our policies, visit our website.


First Aid


Beleza School Uniforms – Important Information


Campion Orders using School Savings Bonus (SSB)

Please use the link below for more information on placing SSB orders. This page includes detailed “how to order with SSB” (translated into several languages) and tutorial videos for ordering and paying with SSB.


Attendance Hotline & Email

If your child is absent, please call the following number or send a message. Ph: 0417 839 925 or send absentee email to this address

General Information

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Office hours 8:00am – 4:00pm
Telephone (03) 5996 – 0144

Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or compass.


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am. Please telephone 5996 0144 on the day of the absence. A note/medical certificate on the day of return to the General Office explaining the absence is required where no parent contact has been possible. Text messages are sent to parents and carers notifying of a student absence twice daily (subject to the correct contact information being provided). If students have appointments during the school day, a note on the day of the appointment is required from a parent or carer confirming the intended date and time of absence from school.

Late arrival to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you that students are expected to be at school by 8:50am, ready and prepared for Home Group. We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call the General Office on 5996 0144. If students do arrive late, they need to come past the general office window and sign in with the attendance officer.


Beleza School Uniforms in High Street,Cranbourne and Hallam are our uniform suppliers.

All students must be in full school uniform every day. Please refer to our website for Uniform Policy and Dress Code regarding our expectations.

Lyndhurst Secondary College school day

School day – 8:50am – 3:00pm daily (excluding weekends and all public and school holidays)
The College runs a 5 period day. Please see Term Dates & Bell Times on our website for details of times.

Lost property

Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with the student’s name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.

USBs should include a folder with the student’s name and form to assist in returning it to the correct person. If you have lost anything see the general office during recess, lunch or at the end of day.

College Canteen

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College Cafe Menu

The College canteen menu is available here.

Orders can be placed online via

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