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Principal’s Message – Issue 6

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Dear LSC Community Members,

We are now at the halfway point of Term 3, and our students have been able to experience some fantastic learning opportunities as part of their learning programs.


Excursions and Activities

The college runs a number of excursions and activities designed to engage our students in their learning, as well as build upon concepts studied in their classes.  In Term 3, just some of the amazing experiences our young people have had the opportunity to be a part of include:

  • Interschool sports, including handball, basketball and futsal this term
  • Excursions to Casey Tech School to explore robotics and their use in simulated environments on other planets
  • Our Outdoor Education students experiencing the natural environments such as Bushrangers Bay as part of their regular excursions out
  • Visits to Monash University for our First Nations students to network with students from other schools, as well as explore tertiary study options
  • Incursions focused on health and wellbeing including Digital Thumbprint (online safety and cyberbullying) and Party Ready (CPR, drug and alcohol education and psychological first aid)
  • Excursions for our music students, including South East Victorian Region Battle of the Bands, MSO concerts, the Pese Mai choir performing at the upcoming Victorian State Schools Spectacular
  • Student-led performances at the annual 4Cs, as well as our VCE VM students leading the event management for this event as part of their Personal Development Skills curriculum

All of these opportunities take planning from our staff, as well as their dedication to running these events.  This year, we have also created an Operations Committee chaired by Assistant Principal Ms Kelly Bendon to support us in ensuring we have good quality planning for all excursions and events, including quality risk assessments and considerations for the whole college calendar to protect instructional time.


Pre-Conditions for Learning

At the mid-point of each term is an important time to remind all members of the college community of our pre-conditions for learning.  These are deemed to be important ways our young people demonstrate they are ready for learning for every class, every day and include:

  • Books and Equipment: It is the expectation that students bring a fully stocked pencil case, their school diary and all required books, textbooks and specific equipment to each and every class. Students can purchase pencil cases with all the basic requirements ready to go for $5 from the Main Office if they need to.
  • Uniform: Our uniform has recently been reviewed and designed by our students to provide flexibility, warmth and comfort. It is the expectation that full and correct uniform is worn each day.  Students out of uniform will be asked to provide a note from a parent/carer if they are out of uniform and be offered spare uniform to change into for the day where available.  Please note that no uniform passes will be provided for non-school jackets, jumpers or hoodies to be worn and these items will be confiscated for the day if students are wearing these.
  • Laptops: It is the expectation that all students have their own laptop device for learning. A small number of day loan devices are available from the Library.  These are not designed to be used instead of purchasing a device, but rather for students who forget their device for the day or whose device is currently in for repairs.  The college partners with edunet in 2024 (and Learning With Technologies for 2025 and beyond) to recommend devices suitable for purchase.  The college also subsidises device costs by approximately $180 to support families to purchase devices for their young people.
  • Mobile Phones and Headphones: The college has a clear policy that mobile phones and headphones are not to be used whilst on school grounds. Members of the Principal class are on the gates every morning and provide verbal reminders of this as students enter.  Students sighted with a mobile phone or headphones will have these confiscated for the day and a breach recorded, with associated consequences being issued.


Community Engagement – New Mural at LSC

The college is proud to have a long-standing relationship with Melbourne City Football Club (MCFC), a prominent sporting organisation with headquarters in the City of Casey.  As part of their community sponsorship work, MCFC sponsored the creation of a beautiful new mural at Lyndhurst Secondary College.  This mural was designed by urban artist Alex and features a young Koorie person with a focused gaze out over our Study Space courtyard as an acknowledgement of our connection to country, as well as our college values.  I wish to thank Assistant Principal Ms Jo Keating for her hard work over a number of months to make this project happen, and look forward to the official launch and celebration of this artwork later this term.

Here is the mural design for all to enjoy:


Ms Eloise Haynes

School News – Issue 6

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First Nations Group at Monash University Sport Clayton Campus

On August 8, 2024, the First Nations group visited Monash University Sport for an informative and enjoyable day. The excursion began with activities that introduced the students to Monash’s sports-related courses. These activities included games with prizes, making the learning process engaging.

The group then took a tour on the campus, which included a visit outside of Monash Law and the inside of Indigenous-only buildings. They learned about the university’s support for Indigenous students and the opportunities available in sports programs.

The day concluded with more games, this time with students from other schools, where correct answers earned lollies. Overall, the excursion provided valuable insights into Monash University and its offerings, leaving a positive impression on the participants.

Written by Emily Kwakernaat 10D

Best Practice Interviews

We would like to thank everyone involved in the support and preparation of our Year 10s for their Best Practice Interviews.  We also think it is important to highlight the work of Leana and Stacey in driving this wonderful opportunity for our young people. They have done an amazing job in setting up an important experience for our young people, including engaging an external group to provide experienced volunteers to put our students through their interview paces!

It was so good to see so many of our young people coming into the school dressed to impress and ready to tackle their interview! It was also amazing to speak with a number of our students after their interview and see how proud of themselves they were – Emily Kwakernaat came into the office to tell us how well she had done and that the interviewer had told her that “If this was a real job, you would be starting tomorrow and that you are going to go far!”


Senior School News


Hindi News

Our students have been immersed in a diverse range of experiences, fostering growth, understanding, and camaraderie.

  1. India Day Celebration: Vibrant colours, tantalising aromas, and captivating performances marked our India Day celebration. Students explored the rich cultural tapestry of India through dance, music, and traditional cuisine.
  2. Learning about Indian sports and games-During our Hindi classes, we learned about traditional Indian games, including Kho Kho, Kabaddi, and hockey. We even played Kho Kho and watched some matches. It’s fascinating how these games have left their mark on Indian culture and sports.
  3. National Reconciliation Week: We engaged in meaningful conversations about reconciliation, acknowledging the importance of understanding and healing. Students participated in workshops, discussions, and art projects that emphasised unity and respect.
  4. Raksha Bandhan: The bond between siblings was celebrated during Raksha Bandhan. Students crafted beautiful “raakhis” and “friendship bands,” symbolising the ties that bind us together as a school community.

As we look back, we recognise that learning extends beyond textbooks. It thrives in the moments of connection, celebration, and reflection. Let’s continue to embrace these opportunities, nurturing both academic growth and the bonds that make our school special.


Shally Kanna

Best original song goes to:
United from Lyndhurst Secondary College 🎵

Our very own band United played at the SEVR Battle of the Bands competition.

They performed two songs, one of which being an original song titled ‘United’ about their journey coming together as a band through music.

Congratulations to Susie, Allie, Tatiana, Sarah, Adam and Holly on all your hard work and your outstanding performance! 🎷

Casey Youth Leadership Summit 2024

On Thursday 29th August, several of our senior Student Voice leaders attended the Casey Youth Leadership Summit.  They listened to the valuable insights of the keynote speakers and went to workshops such as using AI in leadership.  Our students used the day to network with students from other schools.

Year 10 and 11 Legal Studies

Councillor Tamsin Bearsley, from the City of Kingston, visited our Year 10 and Year 11 Legal Studies, and Year 11 VCE-VM Literacy students today for an incursion.

Cr. Bearsley spoke about her day-to-day experiences working as a Councillor and, previously, as Mayor in local government. It was instructive for students to hear about different kinds of Council votes and exactly what was involved in preparing for Council meetings. Students have been learning more about the three levels of governance, their exclusive and concurrent powers, and looking at diverse stakeholders’ perspectives on various issues.

Stories Cr. Bearsley told about the importance of local initiatives helped students understand the importance of connecting with local representatives on issues that matter to us. She gave the example of overseeing an initiative for adequate drainage in a street known for flooding in severe rains, and the delighted residents who rang Cr. Bearsley at 7am on a Sunday morning after a storm to report their gardens had not flooded. Students were also interested to hear about Cr. Bearsley’s availability to and knowledge of her constituents, and the level of contact Councillors are able to have with residents through formal channels such as town hall meetings as well as informal channels at community gatherings.

Careers News – Issue 6

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Victoria Police School Leavers Career Expo


Clubs and House News – Issue 6

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Club Schedule

Monday: Boardgames (C2), Weights (Weights Rm)

Tuesday: Art (B1), Textiles (B4), Soccer (Gym), Weights (Weights Rm)

Wednesday: Anime, Yoga (E1), Yoga (E-Block)

Thursday: Weights (Weights Rm)

Friday: Sport (gym), Music (music room)

Weights Room

The weights room will be open for students to use who have filled in the policy sheet. All students will also need to complete a safety induction with a member of LSC staff before using the weights room (this will be conducted onsite during school hours).

The weights room will be available in the mornings on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00am-8:30am as well as during lunchtime (1.20-2pm) on these specific days.

Students and parents/carers must sign the policy form if their student wishes to use the weights room.

Weights Room Policy Form

Le Mana Connect

Pyjama Day

Bring a gold coin donation, come dressed in your comfiest pjs and help raise money for children in Foster Care.

The Pyjama Day will run on Tuesday 10th September.

Wellbeing – Issue 6

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Thursday the 12th of September is R U OK Day!

R U OK? is a public health promotion charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives. Having meaningful conversations with family, friends and colleagues can help them feel connected and supported through life’s ups and downs.

At school we will be hosting a Wellbeing breakfast from 8am out the front of the Wellbeing, and have activities available for all students during lunch time – more details to come closer to the day!

More information about the day can be found at

Important Information – Issue 6

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Department of Education Mobile Phone Policy

A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobiles phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away in their lockers during school hours.

The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year.

The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions.

By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at recess and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause.

I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school.


Further information

Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required.

School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available on our website.

To view all our policies, visit our website.


First Aid


School Student Broadband Initiative



General Information

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Office hours 8:00am – 4:00pm
Telephone (03) 5996 – 0144

Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or compass.


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am. Please telephone 5996 0144 on the day of the absence. A note/medical certificate on the day of return to the General Office explaining the absence is required where no parent contact has been possible. Text messages are sent to parents and carers notifying of a student absence twice daily (subject to the correct contact information being provided). If students have appointments during the school day, a note on the day of the appointment is required from a parent or carer confirming the intended date and time of absence from school.

Late arrival to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you that students are expected to be at school by 8:50am, ready and prepared for Home Group. We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call the General Office on 5996 0144. If students do arrive late, they need to come past the general office window and sign in with the attendance officer.


Beleza School Uniforms in High Street,Cranbourne and Hallam are our uniform suppliers.

All students must be in full school uniform every day. Please refer to our website for Uniform Policy and Dress Code regarding our expectations.

Lyndhurst Secondary College school day

School day – 8:50am – 3:00pm daily (excluding weekends and all public and school holidays)
The College runs a 5 period day. Please see Term Dates & Bell Times on our website for details of times.

Lost property

Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with the student’s name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.

USBs should include a folder with the student’s name and form to assist in returning it to the correct person. If you have lost anything see the general office during recess, lunch or at the end of day.

College Canteen

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College Cafe Menu

The College canteen menu is available here.

Orders can be placed online via

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